Keeper's shared items

Thursday, July 10, 2008

TwitLive AIR application!!!

Now you can watch TwitLive from a standalone app. Download it today 7/10/08 and you can watch Leo Laporte's 24 hour iphone 3G coverage! (Already in progress)

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Thursday, July 3, 2008


Just decided to try out Facebook since I couldn't fall asleep. Found some friends from the high school days which is pretty cool. Added a link to my profile to my blog links. It's pretty cool. I must play around with it some more later but I think I am going to try to get some sleep.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Decided to do some updates to my web page / blog. Updated my pic on my web page and added links to my major sites. Still working on the good reads page. It is not very friendly when it comes to importing your book list, but I am slowly adding my library of e-books to my good reads listing.

TWiT is talking about the UGM (Ultimate Gaming Machine) again. I would LOVE to win the final product. $10 - 15k price tag is gonna be BLEEDING EDGE for the hardware. :)

Anyway gotta finish re-building the PC I am working on for a friend.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's been awhile...

Just noticed it has been awhile since I used this. Just got in to something new.

Watching Leo doing his shows is kinda cool. I had to go download my registered copy of mIRC to see the main chat room. Haven't used irc in a LONG time.

Well got to go. Cya later.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquake in the Midwest

I must say that was a first for me. I was unable to sleep tonight and was watching TV in bed when all of a sudden the bed was shaking slightly. I was about to write it off when I noticed the cat pole that I have set up nearby that goes floor to ceiling was also shaking. It lasted only like 10 to 20 seconds but it was just strange. I went online to the US Geological Survey site and found that there was indeed an earthquake in the mid-west tonight.

I have never felt an earthquake before. It was defiantly a different experience. Mind you it was very slight all the way up here in Michigan but still was a strange experience. I reported my experience on the USGS site.

I guess we'll see what the news says in the morning. Might have to call the folks as they live in Illinois where the quake occurred. (Although they live in northern IL and the quake was centered in southern IL so hopefully it wasn't as big where they were)

Well have a good night!

Friday, March 21, 2008

5 Reasons We’ll Miss Arthur C. Clarke

The late Sir Arthur C. Clarke was loved by nerds and normals alike for his contributions to literature, film, and technology. Here’s a rundown of the five biggest reasons we’ll miss him.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

*sad face*

It's a sad start to Wednesday. One of my favorite authors, Arthur C Clarke has died today. I really loved his 2001 series of books as well as the Rama series. Have re-read both series many times. If you have a sec go read the article from the NY Times. CLICK ME

Not much else to say right now. Going to hit the hay.


Monday, March 17, 2008

New 1st Post

I used to have a different blog but somehow some changes happened and I can no longer edit it so I have created this one. Didn't really update the other one much but I hope to change that with this one.

I have also added a twitter account and the link is listed on this blog. So I'll try to keep that up to date as to what's going on. The next thing is to come up with something to say here on a daily basis. Hmmmmm....

Well I'll think of something.